Saturday, June 16, 2007

News update dooottooodo

11one11. Meet one of my heroes. It's important to get to know a lady, especially through her favorite people ever. You probably already know a couple of them (Dean, Hilde), but how about an official one, one so official she is listed as a Myspace hero? Meet Michelle Collins, who like totally taught me how to abbreviate every word ever (totes is entirely thanks to her, as is Operation Kitten Calendar). I just read her account of chasing down Brad Pitt and it's minorly brilliant. I love her. Read it here. And if you scroll down far enough you might just find an obsessive fan comment written by moi (yogurtdestiny).

22two22. (do you guys like how snazzilly I number things?) I might go to Paris this summer for, like, under $40. Holler. (tronix)

333three333. No new music! I know, can you believe it? Instead I've decided to devote myself to pretending like the 90s are still retrospectively cool, and like I'm not some super nerd who read The Perks too many times by creating super special mix tapes. I can, like, give them to you if you, you know, want them. Lord knows my (previous) blogging partner will be forced to listen to them whether he likes it or not, so you might as well step up to the plate if only to be able to criticise them collectively. So, you know, don't make me step out of my shy faze and go ahead and ask for one. I can even mail them because I think that'd be super fun.

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